(CIA)³ __ June 29th. MUR

Circus - Espagne

  • (CIA)³ __ June 29th
  • (CIA)³ __ June 29th

Friday June 29th
08:30 pm 

Centre culturel de La Ricamarie
Avenue Maurice Thorez
La Ricamarie

Rates : 14€ - 10€

Time : 1h15

For all audience

First in France

A wall made of cubes collapses. From its debris, twelve characters appear and try innumerable ways to rebuild a new world. Despite the instability of the cubes, they struggle together to achieve their common goal.

A visual, poetic and unifying show that uses ephemeral and unstable constructions to challenge the technical mastery of artists.

A delightful circassian creation led by a Spanish artist whom we are very happy to welcome this year.

Compagnie : (Cia)³. Idée originale : Nacho Flores et Joaquim Aragó. Metteur en scène : Nacho Flores. Conseiller chorégraphique : Roberto Olivan. Artistes : Circ Vermut (Jordi Mas, David Candelich), Circ Bombeta (Oriol Morgades, Quique Maltas, Sergi Comesa, Manolo Osoyo), Alberto Munilla, Ramón Giménez, Nacho Flores. Scénographie : David Lafuente, Martí Cano, David de la Rosa Alegre, Urània Estelrich. Musique originale : Ramón Giménez (“El Brujo”). Production : Joaquim Aragó. Lumières : Xavier Valls. Costumes : Elisa Echegaray. Accessoiriste : Alberto Munilla. Illustration : Ivan Jordà. Communication et vidéo : Atzur Produccions. Crédit photo : Xavier Valls.